~ Thrown together in haste, use your own discretion and caution. The goal here on my end was getting up to speed quickly, including transferring information from other modular systems, audio/video visual coding, and previous versions of Max ~
~ Videos below have been viewed but some of them aren’t tested out yet ~
Some useful information, if you’re not familiar with Max:
- b = “bang,” used to trigger modules
- commands and values are typed into objects, and read right to left
- objects are read top to down
- add a period to the end of numeric values, if you want them to type as float (passes as integers otherwise)
- audio/video data and control data are separate, which is reflected in cable animations
BEAP (modular synthesis) + video:
Quick and dirty modular synth example
Sample patching in Max 8 with playlist~ object: // quick overview; includes some information on using playists in jitter, to control and glitch video clips
More in-depth tutorial on manipulating samples, again using the playlist~ object:
Sfizz~ quick overview // polyphonic sfz support (requires Max 8.6)
Controlling external synths and music apps, hosting plugins // included for reference/curiosity, rather than practical, DAW-like use; may be useful for experimentation
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6on_q_GEU3g // external
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3LNa6zuAd4 // plugin
Vizzzie 2 (visual patching environment for video) overview:
Vizzie cookbook tutorials: // slightly out of date UI, but workable with some effort